
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Philippe Keeps Its Strength in Far Atlantic

Philippe Keeps Its Strength in Far Atlantic Forecasters say Tropical Storm Philippe is maintaining its strength in the far Atlantic and could become a hurricane, but it's not expected to threaten land. The storm's center was located Wednesday about 580 miles (930 km) south-southeast of Bermuda ... Philippe Keeps Its Strength in Far Atlantic

ตร.สุราษฎร์ฯรวบแก๊งค้ายาเสพติด "ยาบ้า-ไอซ์" มูลค่ากว่า 30 ล้านบ.

ตร.สุราษฎร์ฯรวบแก๊งค้ายาเสพติด "ยาบ้า-ไอซ์" มูลค่ากว่า 30 ล้านบ. สุราษฎร์ธานี - ตำรวจสุราษฎร์ธานีรวบขบวนการขนยาเสพติดได้ยาบ้า 100000 เม็ด ยาไอซ์ 3 กิโลกรัม รวมมูลค่ากว่า 30 ล้านบาท พร้อมผู้ต้องหา 2 คน พ.ต.อ.อภินันท์ โกศัลวิทย์ สวญ.สภ.ท่าชี อ.บ้านนาสาร จ.สุราษฎร์ธานี พร้อม ร.ต.ท.สัญชัย ใจห้าว รอง สวป. ... ตร.สุราษฎร์ฯรวบแก๊งค้ายาเสพติด "ยาบ้า-ไอซ์" มูลค่ากว่า 30 ล้านบ.

Sommaruga schickt gestrauchelten Perler in bezahlte Ferien

Sommaruga schickt gestrauchelten Perler in bezahlte Ferien Michale Perler, der letzte Woche wegen einer Liebschaft zu eine Russin, die Leitung der Bundeskriminalpolizei abgeben musste, bezieht bis auf Weiteres bezahlten Urlaub. Darauf haben sich Perler und das EJPD geeinigt. Der bezahlte Urlaub dauert so lange ... Sommaruga schickt gestrauchelten Perler in bezahlte Ferien

Bill Clinton aide confirmed as Haitian PM

Bill Clinton aide confirmed as Haitian PM PORT-AU-PRINCE: Haiti's Senate late Tuesday confirmed the nomination of Garry Conille, an advisor to former US president Bill Clinton, to be the country's prime minister. Conille, a 45-year-old physician by training, was the third candidate put forward ... Bill Clinton aide confirmed as Haitian PM


浙江瑞安12名 10月3日19时20分许,温州警方接到游客报案,在瑞安市顺泰乡"绝望谷"中,一行12名驴友因在深山中迷路被困,有1男1女轻伤。10月4日日,12名"驴友"在浙江省瑞安市公安消防救援人员的营救下全部获救。 网友评论仅供其表达个 ... 浙江瑞安12名"驴友"被困绝望谷20小时后获救

两蒋日记官司开庭 学者:勿因一家之私造历史谬误

两蒋日记官司开庭 学者:勿因一家之私造历史谬误 中国台湾网10月5日消息 综合台湾媒体报道,士林地方法院昨日开庭审理"两蒋日记"所有权诉讼,蒋方智怡通过律师表示,不否认日记属所有继承人"公同共有",但蒋友梅的律师则不满对方只是口头承认。法院谕知全案31日宣判 ... 两蒋日记官司开庭 学者:勿因一家之私造历史谬误

部分省市文物古建被占被毁 清代莲园残存仅两成

部分省市文物古建被占被毁 清代莲园残存仅两成 清代私家园林北京莲园原有3600m2,因私搭乱建等导致残存不到500m2。 图为10月4日拍摄的位于重庆的陈诚公馆。陈诚公馆如今已经变为某楼盘"豪华餐厅",参观者是禁止入内的。 新华社记者 陈诚 摄 图为9月30日拍摄的位于 ... 部分省市文物古建被占被毁 清代莲园残存仅两成

VN có 200.000 người đột quỵ mỗi năm

VN có 200.000 người đột quỵ mỗi năm TT - Mỗi năm thế giới có 5 triệu người mắc bệnh đột quỵ (tai biến mạch máu não). Còn tại VN, mỗi năm có thêm 200.000 bệnh nhân đột quỵ mới, khoảng 486.000 bệnh nhân còn sống. Đây là những thông tin được công bố tại hội thảo khoa học "Đột quỵ não - vấn ... VN có 200.000 người đột quỵ mỗi năm

New York helicopter crash: Three British tourists rescued from New York's East ...

New York helicopter crash: Three British tourists rescued from New York's East ... By 4/10/2011 Three British tourists have been taken to hospital after a helicopter crash in New York which left a fourth person dead. The four passengers were pulled out of the East River after the accident happened at 3.22pm local time. ... New York helicopter crash: Three British tourists rescued from New York's East ...

Opening statements to start in Minn. terror trial

Opening statements to start in Minn. terror trial By AMY FORLITI , 10.04.11, 03:26 PM EDT MINNEAPOLIS -- Opening statements are set to start in the trial of two Minnesota women accused of funneling money to a terrorist group in Somalia. After a day and a half of questioning, a panel of 12 jurors and ... Opening statements to start in Minn. terror trial

Ferguson: to będą wyjątkowe derby

Ferguson: to będą wyjątkowe derby Obie drużyny z Manchesteru – United i City – na razie dominują w tym sezonie Premier League. Dlatego też boss Czerwonych Diabłów, Sir Alex Ferguson jest zdania, że zbliżające się derby będą szczególne. Czy po derbach Alex Ferguson będzie mógł ... Ferguson: to będą wyjątkowe derby

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