
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

F1: Massa, Hamilton? Serve Coerenza Nelle Sanzioni

F1: Massa, Hamilton? Serve Coerenza Nelle Sanzioni Yeongam, 13 ott. - (Adnkronos) - Felipe Massa chiede "coerenza nelle sanzioni comminate per gli errori di guida". Il brasiliano della Ferrari fa riferimento all'incidente con Lewis Hamilton in Giappone. I due piloti erano entrati in contatto anche a ... F1: Massa, Hamilton? Serve Coerenza Nelle Sanzioni

Neuer Fahrplan, neue Preise

Neuer Fahrplan, neue Preise Knapp vier Prozent im Fernverkehr: Bahnreisende müssen zum Fahrplanwechsel am 11. Dezember deutlich mehr für ein Ticket zahlen. Wer eine Karte für den Fernverkehr kauft, zahlt dann durchschnittlich 3,9 Prozent mehr. Im Nah- und Regionalverkehr steigt ... Neuer Fahrplan, neue Preise

Dark days are over for BlackBerry users

Dark days are over for BlackBerry users AP A BlackBerry handset stands at a shop in Hyderabad, India. Large numbers of BlackBerry users across Europe, the Middle East and Africa have been cut off from Internet and messaging services. BlackBerry users have been up in arms for the past few ... Dark days are over for BlackBerry users

Bhutan king's wedding captivates nation

Bhutan king's wedding captivates nation Thirty-one-year old Namgyel Wangchuck ties knot woth Jetsun Pema, a student 10 years his junior in a colourful ceremony. Bhutan's 31-year-old king has married a student 10 years his junior in a colourful ceremony that has seen the remote Himalayan ... Bhutan king's wedding captivates nation

CLS免疫治疗肺癌复发 彻底清楚癌细胞

CLS免疫治疗肺癌复发 彻底清楚癌细胞 CLS免疫治疗肺癌复发,彻底清楚癌细胞。北京肿瘤生物治疗专家介绍,肺癌患者在接受了治疗之后,常常会面临复发转移的现象,一般来说,肺癌复发后更难进行治疗,肺癌复发是指原发性肺癌经过手术等治疗,癌肿在消退一段时 ... CLS免疫治疗肺癌复发 彻底清楚癌细胞

Chicharito renova com o United por cinco anos

Chicharito renova com o United por cinco anos Sir Alex Ferguson continua os esforços para segurar os principais nomes para o futuro do United. O agente de Javier Hernandéz confirmou que o atacante concretizou a extensão de seu contrato para mais cinco anos. "Nós renegociamos o contrato de Javier e ... Chicharito renova com o United por cinco anos


国内 昨日中午12点50分,成都城西全兴路,一座铁路跨线桥下,上百人都在仰头看天,他们的目光,聚集在一座距地面30多米高的铁塔上。 这座塔,架着高压电线。在塔顶,一名红衣男子已经坐了3个多小时,不停地喊着要跳下来。他的2个 ... 国内

Gaddafi son Mo'tassim caught in Sirte

Gaddafi son Mo'tassim caught in Sirte TRIPOLI (Reuters): Muammar Gaddafi's son Mo'tassim was captured in Sirte on Wednesday while trying to escape the town, the head of the Tripoli Revolutionary Council said. "He was arrested today in Sirte," Colonel Abdullah Naker told Reuters. ... Gaddafi son Mo'tassim caught in Sirte

Lewis still battling bug but could play Friday

Lewis still battling bug but could play Friday While the trade deadline passed without a whisper Wednesday in the camp of the Calgary Stampeders, attention turned to the missing persons list from the morning practice at McMahon Stadium. Slotback Nik Lewis once again was a no-show for the 90-minute ... Lewis still battling bug but could play Friday

Junk Food Marketing Proposal Gets Toned Down By Committee Compromise

Junk Food Marketing Proposal Gets Toned Down By Committee Compromise By MARY CLARE JALONICK 10/12/11 03:41 PM ET WASHINGTON -- Tony the Tiger and Toucan Sam can rest easy. Government officials fine-tuning guidelines for marketing food to children say they won't push the food industry to get rid of colorful cartoon ... Junk Food Marketing Proposal Gets Toned Down By Committee Compromise

Manchester City verwijt Tevez contractbreuk

Manchester City verwijt Tevez contractbreuk MANCHESTER (ANP) - Manchester City beschuldigt zijn vedette Carlos Tevez van contractbreuk. De Argentijnse spits weigerde vorige maand tijdens het Champions Leagueduel met Bayern München in te vallen, waarna hij door de club tijdelijk op non-actief is ... Manchester City verwijt Tevez contractbreuk

Commonwealth debaterá mudança na lei de sucessão britânica

Commonwealth debaterá mudança na lei de sucessão britânica O primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, David Cameron, disse nesta quarta-feira que a Commonwealth - comunidade de nações súditas à Coroa britânica - debaterá a possibilidade de mudar uma antiga lei que proíbe que o trono da Inglaterra seja ocupado por um ... Commonwealth debaterá mudança na lei de sucessão britânica

Calif. city buys 2nd rescue boat after drowning

Calif. city buys 2nd rescue boat after drowning AP ALAMEDA, Calif. — Alameda officials have bought a second rescue boat, as they try to improve the island city's water rescue capabilities following the drowning of a suicidal man while authorities watched from the shore. ... Calif. city buys 2nd rescue boat after drowning

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