
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Primary: civic gathering signatures for ballot measure aimed directly bill residents

Primary: civic gathering signatures for ballot measure aimed directly bill residents Civic groups, "everyone 決Meyou" primary "national referendum" on September 14 referendum ordinance aims to directly question the claims of the primary vote, announced it would begin collecting signatures in Tokyo and Osaka in December. In Tokyo, who served as a claims representative for the actor Taro Yamamoto and colleagues, supporters also sought public help to distribute flyers and collect signatures.Primary: civic gathering signatures for ballot measure aimed directly bill residents

Friend: Iran Suspect More 'Mr. Bean Than 007'

Friend: Iran Suspect More 'Mr. Bean Than 007' By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- A man accused of an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States was too disorganized to have been a part of the scheme, a friend said. Manssor Arbabsiar is accused of conspiracy ... Friend: Iran Suspect More 'Mr. Bean Than 007'

La ONU dice que la represión en Siria se ha cobrado ya más de 3.000 vidas

La ONU dice que la represión en Siria se ha cobrado ya más de 3.000 vidas El Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos informó hoy de que la fuerte represión militar en Siria se ha cobrado desde marzo la vida de más de 3.000 personas, entre ellas, al menos 187 niños. En un comunicado difundido hoy en Ginebra, ... La ONU dice que la represión en Siria se ha cobrado ya más de 3.000 vidas

Late surge in rare earth permanent magnetic material is the sea limit

Late surge in rare earth permanent magnetic material is the sea limit Disclaimer: This personal opinion of the author, 2010 PR Newswire. The original text of the statement text and content without the site and confirmed, of which all or part of this article and the contents, text authenticity, completeness, timeliness, this site makes no warranties or promises, the reader is for reference only, and please ...Late surge in rare earth permanent magnetic material is the sea limit

Chinezii vor să fabrice maşini electrice la Mârşa în judeţul Sibiu

Chinezii vor să fabrice maşini electrice la Mârşa în judeţul Sibiu După ce capitala judeţului a dezvoltat o zonă industrială în care deja activează cu succes mai multe companii de renume european şi chiar mondial, o altă regiune din Sibiu are şanse mari să devină un pol de atracţie al investiţiilor străine. ... Chinezii vor să fabrice maşini electrice la Mârşa în judeţul Sibiu

Quanzhou property: "Golden September" fall (Photos)

Quanzhou property: "Golden September" fall (Photos) September Quanzhou five district housing Transacted 1339 units, rose 20.5% year on year decline of 6.2%; transaction area 130943m2, rose 16.5%, a decline of 14.1%; turnover of 978.39 million yuan, rose 19.7%, the chain down 32.4%; average transaction price 7472 yuan / m2, up ...Quanzhou property: "Golden September" fall (Photos)


厦门机场和港口 新华网厦门10月14日电(记者项开来)据厦门检验检疫局消息,厦门高崎国际机场创建"国际卫生机场"、国际邮轮中心创建"国际卫生港口",13日双双高分通过国内专家组考核评审。 厦门市政府于2008年12月正式启动创卫工作,经 ... 厦门机场和港口"双创卫"通过国内专家考核评审

Mobile IM products in the telecommunications wing talk 4 million users next week

Mobile IM products in the telecommunications wing talk 4 million users next week Reported] [TechWeb News October 14, ushered in the mobile telecom operators IM product development boom. It is said that China Telecom will be officially launched next week's IM (instant voice communication software) products "wing talk", have developed iOS, Android, Symbian and other versions. ...Mobile IM products in the telecommunications wing talk 4 million users next week

Centro Gumilla: 52,1% opina que el socialismo es mejor sistema que el capitalismo

Centro Gumilla: 52,1% opina que el socialismo es mejor sistema que el capitalismo Un estudio de opinión hecho por el Centro Gumilla revela que 52,1% de los encuestados opina que el socialismo es mejor sistema que el capitalismo, mientras que 71,4% afirma que un sistema socialista garantiza el bien común y 70,4% que en este tipo de ... Centro Gumilla: 52,1% opina que el socialismo es mejor sistema que el capitalismo

New jeonchagwan denied cross-examination survey "is not me today."

New jeonchagwan denied cross-examination survey "is not me today." Prosecutor to investigate the simultaneous sohwandwae sinjaemin I have received cross-examination of Deputy Chairman and yigukcheol SLS was not done in the end. Which was summoned on the morning of the last 13 days before new loans and this president jeonhuhae day, every hour of midnight, was deaf. Chairman of more than 14 hours after a survey ... 23:00 50 peopleNew jeonchagwan denied cross-examination survey "is not me today."

US should help more homeowners -Treasury official

US should help more homeowners -Treasury official BOSTON, Oct 13 (Reuters) -The US government should do more to help homeowners who owe more on their homes than they are worth and cannot refinance, a top Treasury official said on Thursday. While she stopped short of offering any new proposals, ... US should help more homeowners -Treasury official

Cai challenge the KMT poll manipulation: do not discredit

Cai challenge the KMT poll manipulation: do not discredit DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen question involved a lot of polls are manipulated by the KMT. Depends on factors such as the KMT spokesman said yesterday that the DPP was persecution paranoia, no evidence was called on the DPP not to discredit any rumors. Lai Su-ju, Tsai Ing-wen in June this year has publicly criticized the vision of the poll, poll questioned whether the vision with the main theme of the KMT? Now question the involvement of the KMT pressure, ...Cai challenge the KMT poll manipulation: do not discredit


国内 虽然北京的土地交易经历了从去年的"疯狂"到今年的"冷却"过程,但是前三季度土地出让收入依然取得了不俗的成绩,多家统计机构的数据显示,前三季度北京土地出让金顺利突破800亿元大关,虽然略低于去年同期的867亿,但 ... 国内

A look at economic developments around the globe

A look at economic developments around the globe By AP AP BRUSSELS - The European Commission and France want a deal in which private creditors take losses on Greek bonds to remain voluntary to avoid triggering big payouts on bond insurance, officials said. That clashes with several other countries' ... A look at economic developments around the globe

Los mecanismos del fondo de rescate europeo podrán utilizarse pronto

Los mecanismos del fondo de rescate europeo podrán utilizarse pronto El presidente del Fondo Europeo de Estabilidad Financiera (FEEF), el alemán Klaus Regling, aseguró hoy que el mecanismo temporal de rescate está preparado para aplicar sus instrumentos y que éstos podrán ser empleados pronto. "Después de la conclusión ... Los mecanismos del fondo de rescate europeo podrán utilizarse pronto

Future testing of mushroom timber of radioactive material exceeding the reference value, Ibaraki

Future testing of mushroom timber of radioactive material exceeding the reference value, Ibaraki County on April 13, the city's whereabouts wood mushroom (alley) in the examination of radioactive material, the provisional reference value (500 Bq per 1 kilograms of radioactive cesium) announced that it has detected as greater than 830 Becquerel. The timber has exceeded the first reference Shiitake four cities. Future assets (alley) shipments were asked to refrain from selling.Future testing of mushroom timber of radioactive material exceeding the reference value, Ibaraki

长春“砍手门”续:两所学校讳莫如深 态度谨慎

长春 中广网长春10月13日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,本月8号,吉林省长春市高三学生吴某在体育馆打篮球时,和高中生郝某发生冲突。不久郝某向家人求救。就在双方交涉的时,一伙持刀歹徒突然出现,将吴天昊砍成重伤 ... 长春"砍手门"续:两所学校讳莫如深 态度谨慎

e-onkyo music, Canada "Fidelio Records" started broadcasting the sound of a hi-res

e-onkyo music, Canada "Fidelio Records" started broadcasting the sound of a hi-res Onkyo Entertainment Technology is the company's music-in e site onkyo music, Fidelio Records label in Canada (Fidelio Records) download music data distribution, which began October 12. Music data is also focusing on 24bit/176.4kHz 96kHz/24bit ...e-onkyo music, Canada "Fidelio Records" started broadcasting the sound of a hi-res

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