
Saturday, October 29, 2011

[13:59] Police in Taiwan found 24 people unaccounted wolf track

[13:59] Police in Taiwan found 24 people unaccounted wolf track (Central News Agency correspondent Liu Jianbang, Chen Yiwei Taipei 30th) criminal police that the sexual assault offender registration check-in and inspection measures implemented over the past five years, a total of 2033 perpetrators of sexual abuse should be handled "registration report," but police are still on the 24 unable to grasp movements. 性侵害犯罪防治法修正日前三讀通過,強制治療可溯及既往,讓民國95年6月30日前刑滿出獄、但...性侵害犯罪Prevention Act amendment has passed its third reading compulsory treatment can be retroactive to the Republic before 30 June 1995 was released from prison serving his sentence, but ...[13:59] Police in Taiwan found 24 people unaccounted wolf track

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